It was a silent day, save for the soft violins that played sweetly in his head. Their melody but a pacifier and meant to chasten the emotion that existed in that dark place between layers of placidity. For there was only one place that he wanted to be, and that was not where he was. And there was but one place that he despised, and that was exactly the position he occupied. In a low voice, composed mostly of breath and whispers, his dismay blended with the music.
“What is that elusive answer?”
He lay in that day, in that silence, in that dismay until there was no more light by which to read, and sat in the leaves that had fallen gently from the mighty trees that spoke no wisdom. That curiosity that sat by his side made the rest of his desires wane, albeit tinged in a sweet sugar finish. But there was one thought that persisted through that crust, but did not damage it. In the back of all those thoughts rested one that chattered, “Who am I?”
The snow was beautiful, as was the moonlight that shone in that perfect line, tracing its immortality into infinity. That same moonlight struck the sill, and finally showed that twice reflected light for what it was. That beauty that pervaded all things, all beings. It showed itself. It showed whatever would look upon it and see itself in the reflection, whether accurate, or whether just a figment of the beholder’s imagination.
He was able to see that beauty easily. It was as obvious to him as it was elusive to everyone else. The time passed slowly as he contemplated such things. For some reason it was enjoyable, so the sluggish feeling of forever was unusually welcome.